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Greetings All:

I hope the new year is going well for you! I am sending this message to get information out to those who were unable to attend the meeting on January 8th. We are looking for assistance in some cases or are letting you know about things you may be interested in. Please see the following:

1) Nominations for Leadership:

The club votes for leadership positions in February. It is very important that we have a quorum for this so please plan to attend. Nominations received at the January meeting are as follows:

    President: Cherry Dalrymple and Meagan Renick.

    Vice President: No nominations for this position.

    Secretary: Sherry Hill

    Treasurer: Tom Hochrine

2) Vice- President Position:

As mentioned above, we have nobody that has volunteered for the Vice President position. Please consider taking on this position - it really doesn't require much of your time. Let me know if you are interested.

3) Another Vote in February:

There is a motion on the table that the club exempt those in leadership positions from payment of dues. This is to encourage members to volunteer for the positions. A vote on this issue is set to take place at the February meeting.

4) Renewal:

Renewals are due by February 28, 2025. The cost of renewals is $27.50 for one person or $55.00 for a family. When you log in to the CdeO website, there will be a prompt for you to renew. If you have a family membership, this will appear only for the primary member. Be aware that there is a credit card fee when renewing online. The fee is 75 cents for a single membership or $1.50 for a family membership.

5) Tours 2025 Meeting:

The tour meeting will take place on March 2, 2025 at the club house in Cynthia's neighborhood. Please think about tours you would like to see (and possibly lead) in2025. In addition to the one and two day tours, Mark is looking at planning a tour (or tours) that are 3-5 days long so please be sure to come up with ideas for this as well. If you are unable to make the tour meeting on March 2nd, please send us your ideas.

6) Volunteers to head up Christmas Party and Vette Fest:

Please consider volunteering to head up the Christmas Party. It was noted that we looked at getting the room (or double room) at River's Edge last year at the October meeting but were already too late to get what we needed. We need to get on this earlier for 2025.

We also do not yet have anyone in charge of Vette Fest. This is an event that needs planning to begin early in the year. Please consider heading this up.

Please let us know if you are willing to head up either of these events for 2025.

7) South Puget Sound Community College "Get to Know You" meeting.

Because CdeO is a contributor to scholarships for SPSCC automotive students, Cynthia (as club representative) has been invited to a "Get to Know You" meeting by SPSCC. It will take place on February 5, 2025 at 11:30. If you are interested in attending, let Cynthia know. She will then let you know where the meeting will take place.

8) Consider Taking Tour Photos for the Club.

For each CdeO event, we are looking at having an individual assigned to take pictures and send them to Marilyn so that she can collect them for the end-of- the-year presentation. For events that you go to, please consider being this person.

You joined the club with a beautiful car. Now it's time to get out and use it - that's what these events are for.

I look forward to seeing you all!

Save The Wave! 👋


CdeO President

Corvettes De Olympia

Upcoming Events:



08 - Membership Meeting



05 - "Get to Know You" Meeting with SPSCC
12 - 
Membership Meeting



02 - Tours 2025 Meeting with Potluck
12 - 
Membership Meeting

Past Events:

2024 Holiday Party Presentation (YouTube link)
CdeO 2024 in Review

New CdeO Facebook Group


February 12th, 2025

2nd Wednesday of Every Month
at River's Edge Restaurant in Tumwater
4611 Tumwater Valley Dr. SE, Tumwater, WA 98512

Social hour with dinner at 6:00 PM

Meeting begins at 7:00 PM
For information about the meeting
or directions to the River's Edge Restaurant
check out our Event Calendar.

The purpose of the club is to:
  • Develop friendship and pride among Corvette owners and drivers
  • Encourage skillful, safe, and sportsmanlike driving habits on the highways
  • Improve relations between the community and Corvette owners
  • Actively promote, sponsor, organize, and supervise sportscar competition, outings, meetings, and other Corvette or sports car activities

The club is a great opportunity to meet other Corvette owners, their families, take part in the many events and activities we do, and experience the fun of Corvette ownership


Come join the fun and don't forget to   SAVE THE WAVE


 Thank you to our Gold sponsor . . .

Corvettes de Olympia is a Proud Member


of the

Northwest Association of Corvette Clubs 
and the

 National Corvette Museum



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