In 1991 Corvettes de Olympia members dedicated themselves to providing financial assistance to encourage local college students to enroll in automotive related courses by establishing funding of a club sponsored scholarship.
Today, some 30+ years later, the club is even more dedicated to this goal. CdeO is proud to continue to sponsor the Corvettes de Olympia Scholarship in Automotive Technology at South Puget Sound Community College in west Olympia.
Each year CdeO provides $1,500.00, and SPSCC in turn matches those funds. To this end students attending South Puget Sound Community College can apply for and are provided access to $3,000.00 in scholarship funding to pursue an education and career in automotive technology.
To date, which includes scholarships awarded for the 2022-2023 school year, Corvettes de Olympia has generated over towards student education in the automotive technology field.
To make a donation to the scholarship fund click here.