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HomeClub By-Laws

 Club By-Laws




Corvettes de Olympia




 Section I:  Club Affiliation


Membership in organizations may be entered into so long as such affiliations are considered to be in the best interest of CdeO.




Section I:  Meetings

 A. A regular business meeting shall be held once a month. Time, date, and place shall be announced by the President.


B. An E-Board meeting may be held prior to that month’s regular business meeting.  Time, date, and place shall be announced by the President.


C. Committee meetings are held as deemed necessary.  Time, date, and place shall be announced by the Committee Chair.

Section II:  Events


 Club supported events require active participation which may include the use or display of a member’s Corvette.  A club supported activity is designated as such by a majority vote of members present at any regular meeting.




Section I:  Regular Membership

A.  Each individual of a Family Unit shall have Regular Membership status.  A Family Unit shall consist of single individuals, couples, and their dependents.



B.  Regular Memberships shall meet the following requirements:

1. Minimum age of 18 years.


2. One member of a Family Unit must own a Corvette manufactured by the Chevrolet Motor Division of the General Motors Corporation.


3. Must maintain a valid motor vehicle operator’s license and vehicle insurance that satisfies the Washington State Financial Responsibilities Insurance Act.


4. Must pay annual dues in accordance with Article III, Section VI of the By-Laws. 

C.  At least one Regular Member of a Family Unit must participate in a minimum of two (2) club supported events and two (2) club meetings within a period of nine (9) months in order for all Regular Members of the Family Unit to maintain voting privileges and/or hold office in accordance with Section VI of these By-Laws.


D.  Members who no longer own a Corvette may retain Regular membership status for one (1) year from the time they dispose of their Corvette.

Section II:  Prospective Membership

A.  Prospective members shall meet the requirements of Section 1, Part B of these By-Laws, and in addition shall meet the following requirements:

1.  Must attend a minimum of two (2) club supported events and two (2) regular business meetings within a nine (9) month period.


2.  Must submit a membership application and verification of insurance.


3.  Pay prorated dues upon being voted into Regular Membership.

B.  Prospective Members are elected to Regular Membership status after meeting all the requirements in Part A of this section, and receiving nomination and a majority vote by the members present at a regular business meeting.  Voting may be by written ballot.

Section III:  Associate Membership

A.  Regular Members who dispose of their Corvette(s), or are the immediate family of Regular Members, may submit application for Associate membership provided they satisfy the requirements of Article III, Section I, Part B, Items 1, 3, and 4 of these By-Laws.


B.  Associate membership shall be reviewed by the Membership Chair and approved by the E-Board.


C.  Any Family Unit without participation in at least two (2) club supported events and two (2) regular business meetings within a nine (9) month period will lose the right to vote and the right to hold office in all business meetings.  Exceptions may be granted with just cause upon review by the E-Board.

Section IV:  Honorary Membership

A.  Honorary membership in CdeO shall be restricted to those persons who are held in high esteem by the members of CdeO.  Honorary membership may be awarded by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of members present at a regular business meeting.


B.  An Honorary member may become a Regular member by satisfying the requirements of Article III, Section I, Part B.


Section V:  Termination of Membership

A.  Termination of a membership shall require a letter by a member detailing accusations against that member to be considered for termination.  The letter shall be presented to the President who will submit it to the E-Board for consideration.

1.  The member shall be afforded the opportunity to answer the accusations at a regular meeting of the E-Board.  If the E-Board finds the accusations are valid, then the President shall bring the action before the membership.  A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the membership shall be required for termination.


2.  The vote shall be by written ballot.

B.  Membership will terminate for non-payment of dues within sixty (60) days after date due.  Any sponsor and/or advertiser giving special discounts to CdeO members will be notified of termination of membership.


C.  Upon termination of membership, all CdeO accessory items, such as club jacket, car badges, license plate frames, etc., may be kept but not publicly displayed.

Section VI:  Dues

A.  Dues for Regular Members shall be $55.00 per year, per Family Unit.  If a Family Unit consists of a single individual, dues shall be $27.50 per year.  Dues for Associate Members shall be $27.50 per year, per person. Members paying through the website with a credit card will have an additional credit card processing assessed. No dues shall be assessed Honorary members.


B.  Dues are payable during the first sixty (60) days of the CdeO calendar year, after which the delinquent member’s name shall be removed from the membership rolls.


C.  New members joining CdeO during the calendar year shall pay an amount proportionate to the number of months remaining in the CdeO calendar year.


D.  Members who allow their dues to become delinquent and/or allow their membership to lapse, may re-apply for Regular Membership by satisfying the requirements of Article III, Section I, Part B and pay a $5.00 fine for every month past the sixty (60) day grace period.

Section VII:  Privileges

A.  The privileges of Regular Membership in CdeO shall include the right to vote, the right to hold office, and the right to attend and participate in all business meetings, competitive events, social functions, promotional and fund-raising activities.  A Regular Member must be present at a meeting to vote unless otherwise stated elsewhere.


B.  Associate and Honorary members are entitled to all privileges in Part A except the right to vote and hold office.


C.  Any Family Unit without participation in at least two (2) club supported events and two (2) club meetings within a nine (9) month period will lose the right to vote and the right to hold office in all business meetings.  Exceptions may be granted with just cause upon review by the E-Board.

Section VIII:   Resignation


A member may resign by submitting a letter of resignation to the President or Secretary.



Section I:  President

A.  The President shall oversee all meetings and perform the duties common to the office of the President.  The President shall guide CdeO business.


B.  Shall conduct proper meeting procedures.


C.  Shall preside at all meetings and call all E-Board or Special meetings


D.  Shall cast a vote only in case of a tie.

Section II:  Vice President

A.  Shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President or, if the President resigns or is otherwise incapacitated, shall carry out the duties of office until the President resumes duties or until a new President can be elected.


B.  Shall be responsible for the publication of the monthly newsletter.


C.  Oversees Membership Committee.

Section III:  Secretary

A.  Take minutes at every Regular, E-Board, or Special meeting.  Minutes of CdeO meetings shall be published in the newsletter.


B.  Handle any and all correspondence.


C.  Maintain a current book of Statutes which consist of all regulatory laws of CdeO.


D.  Shall maintain the location and/or storage of all papers belonging to CdeO which are not especially under the charge of any other officer.


E.  In the absence of the Secretary, a Secretary Pro-Tempore shall be chosen by the presiding officer.


F.  Oversees Publicity Committee or agent, if applicable.

Section IV:  Treasurer

A.  Shall be responsible for collection of all monies owed to CdeO.


B.  Shall pay from the treasury, all debts incurred by CdeO.


C.  Shall keep accurate and up-to-date records of all CdeO monetary transactions, and financial records including, but not limited to, CdeO checking and savings accounts.


D.  Shall report on the financial status of CdeO at regular business meetings.

E. Shall arrange for a yearly internal audit of financial records by two members of the club.


F.  Give a complete financial report at the end of the CdeO fiscal year.


G.  All contracts, checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money shall be signed in the name of CdeO by the Treasurer or the President.


H.  Shall be responsible for all club property or inventory for sale and on order.


I.  Oversee the Sponsorship Committee.


J.  Shall notify the general membership through the club newsletter in February of each year of the annual dues requirements.


K.  Shall file an annual renewal of Non-profit Corporation (to include a list of officers and directors along with any required fee) with the Washington State Office of the Secretary of State prior to June 30th of each calendar year.



A.  Nomination of candidates for office shall begin with the January meeting and conclude with the February meeting.


B.  Election of officers shall be in February.


C.  Term of office for President and Treasurer shall be two CdeO Calendar Years. (A)

D.  Term of office for Vice President and Secretary shall be one CdeO Calendar Year. (A)


E.  At least one-half (1/2) of the Regular Membership shall vote in the election of officers; the majority of votes cast shall be received by a candidate in order that they be elected.  Voting shall be by written ballot.




Section I:  General


The President shall designate the following standing committees and/or other committees deemed necessary to conduct the business of CdeO during the CdeO calendar year:

1.  Membership Committee.


2.  Events and Activities Committees.


3.  Historian


4.  Scholarship Committee


5.  Other:

a.  NWACC Representative(s)


b.  Telephone


c.  Publicity

Section II:  Committee Chairs


Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President.  The Chair shall direct the activities of the committee and shall report committee progress at each regular business meeting.


Section III:  Membership Committee

A.  The Membership Committee shall promote prospective members and monitor their progress toward regular CdeO membership.


B.  Maintain records of all regular, prospective, associate and honorary members, including an accurate active member roster.  An accurate membership roster shall be maintained by the committee and updated as required, with a copy to the membership and the Vice President.


C.  Notice of terminated membership shall be provided to any club sponsor and/or advertiser giving special discounts to CdeO members.


D.  The Membership Committee shall maintain accurate records on attendance of all CdeO events and meetings.

Section IV:  Events and Activities Committee


The Events and Activities Committee shall schedule competitive events, social functions, and promotional and fund-raising activities.  The committee shall also maintain the calendar of events in the newsletter.  The Chair will make final decisions on minimum participation for club supported events. The Chair shall oversee club activities including the scheduling and accommodations of competitive events, social activities, business meetings, and work activities as needed


Section V:  Historian


The Historian shall be an appointive office at the discretion of the President.  The Historian shall maintain a scrapbook which records CdeO events and activities.  The Historian will be reimbursed for the cost of reproduction of film and/or negatives.


Section VI:  Scholarship Committee

A.  Determines the dollar amount of the scholarship(s) to be awarded and presents the amount to the membership for approval.


B.  Develop the criteria for which the scholarship monies must be used.


C.  Coordinates with an educational institution to administer the scholarship process.


D.  Authorizes the Treasurer to send the amount of the scholarship(s) to the educational institution.

Section VII:  Other Committees

A.  NWACC Representative(s):  Shall represent CdeO at all NWACC meetings and sanctioned events.  The representatives may be reimbursed for certain expenses in accordance with Article XIII, Part A of these By-Laws.


B.  Telephone Committee:  Shall inform the membership of additions or corrections to the newsletter or upcoming events, and/or gather information.


C.  Publicity Committee:  Shall further the image and purposes of CdeO through available communication media.  The committee also will be responsible for advertising of all CdeO events and activities when solicited by the Events and Activities Committee or when advised by the Membership Committee of membership campaigns.


A.  The color and style of the official jacket of CdeO shall be determined at each member’s own discretion.


B.  The back emblem shall be centered.


C.  Other emblems, patches, pins, etc., shall be displayed in good taste.


D.  Accessory items such as club jackets, car badges, license plate frames, etc., shall be only available to and displayed by the members.


E.  The CdeO emblem is authorized to be worn on other articles of clothing such as, but not limited to, sweatshirts and polo shirts.


A.  The “Outstanding Member Award”, in honor of Chuck Byre, shall be presented at the annual CdeO Christmas party to the member voted as having displayed the following qualities:

1.  A member who is dedicated to Corvetting; a person who pursues being a Corvette owner with exceptional enthusiasm.


2.  A member who can be relied upon for responsibility in club activities.


3.  A member who displays good sportsmanship and is a sincere team worker and competitor.

B.  Balloting shall begin at the November meeting and end at the annual CdeO Christmas party.  Voting shall be by written ballot and shall be counted by a committee of two (2) members.  The results will be held secret until the presentation of the Award.


C.  The Outstanding Member Award rotational plaque shall be presented to the winner of the balloting.  The winner will keep the plaque for the year and shall receive a permanent plaque or trophy at the following years Christmas party.


D.  The President will be in charge of purchasing and presenting the plaques or trophy.



Thirty percent (30%) of the Regular membership of CdeO shall constitute a quorum.




A monthly newsletter shall be published and will give notice of all meetings and club activities. 




All actions except as noted in these By-Laws shall be by majority vote or by written ballot.



A.  The Articles contained in the Constitution and By-Laws shall govern CdeO in all cases in which they are applicable.


B.  All meetings of CdeO shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.


C.  In the event of the dissolution of CdeO, all monies and/or properties of CdeO shall be donated to charity


A.  Members shall conduct themselves in a generally accepted manner.


B.  Members shall maintain good conduct and appearance in public.


C.  CdeO shall pay expenses incurred in the planning of activities or any authorized club business.  NWACC representatives may be compensated for gasoline or fuel expenses up to $30.00 per scheduled NWACC meeting.  Amounts in excess of $30.00 must be approved by the membership.


D.  Gifts for outgoing officers to be the responsibility of the incoming officers.


E.  Awards presented to CdeO shall be the responsibility of the Vice-President.


F.  All meetings of CdeO are open to the membership


A.  Amendments to the By-Laws shall be submitted in writing at a regular business meeting.  The Newsletter Editor shall publish the proposed amendment(s) in the newsletter prior to the next regularly scheduled business meeting.


B.  Voting shall take place at the next regularly scheduled business meeting.  Amendment(s) must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority affirmative vote of the CdeO membership present at a regular business meeting.


 Thank you to our Gold sponsor . . .

Corvettes de Olympia is a Proud Member


of the

Northwest Association of Corvette Clubs 
and the

 National Corvette Museum



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